Why Michelham?
What is it about this place that has captivated so many people over the years?
We currently have nearly 100 volunteers giving up their free-time!
And in the recent past, FOMP had over 600 members, many of whom visited the site more than four times a year.
In 2004 the Priory welcomed 41,000 visitors.
Some of the FOMP Trustees share their personal stories here [ Link]
So much more than just a priory ruin ...
The house
Augustinian Priory dating back to 1229; Tudor gentleman's residence; working farm; hostel for evacuees and billeted WWII troops; museum
The grounds
Mediaeval gatehouse; extensive grounds including lawns, 'cloister', 'physic' and 'kitchen' gardens. Mature trees, orchard, and seasonal herbaceous borders.
Children's playground; replica Iron-Age dwelling; late 16th century timber-framed barn; occasionally working forge; rope museum; collection of agricultural wagons
The mill and the moat
The longest water-filled (depending on the season) moat in England and a watermill - currently awaiting roof repairs, but capable of being fully operational and able to mill over six tonnes of organic flour a year
But ...
All of the above cost significant sums of money to maintain. The income generated from visitors and events barely covers the cost of keeping the site open and safe. The coffers of Sussex Past are themselves limited and must be shared among their other properties and activities.
Even before Covid destroyed the heritage industry, it was nearly impossible to maintain the site to the standards required. Certain areas require massive investment to bring them back to their full glory - money, which is just not available to us!
Hence the need for FOMP!